Okland 1510 Webster St. Oakland 1510 Webster St. Oakland Sistema costruttivo post-and-slab in pannelli in legno microlamellare
Author: Rothoblaas

Post-and-slab construction system in micro-laminated timber panels

For this project, six types of connectors were developed and adapted to local seismic regulations PILLAR tailored to the dimensions of the columns. Strict logistical deadlines required the delivery of the connection systems in synchronisation with the implementation of the plans. This resulted in the tallest timber building on the West Coast at 1510 Webster St. in Oakland, a total of 20 storeys, after a record construction time of 3 months. One thousand of our PILLARs were used to do this.

Working in close cooperation with DCI Engineers, we developed solutions for a design with spaces that seemed impossible: through specific structural tests, the design team was able to go from what would have been a 3 x 3.2 m grid to a 3 x 4.8 m grid, saving about 47 columns per storey.

The choice of the post-and-slab construction system of micro-laminated timber panels resulted in a cost saving of approximately USD 30 million compared to traditional construction methods.

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Technical Details

DCI Engineers
United States of America